New (old) lens
On Saturday I cycled to the north side of the river to The Chiswick Camera Centre to test out and buy a second hand lens. It’s has a 18-35mm focal length, much wider than my current widest lens which only goes to 24mm. I was interested to see what a wide angle lens would offer me, with compositions that are not possible with my current gear. Sunday morning was forecast to be sunny, and although I wasn’t expecting any epic photography conditions, I couldn’t wait to get out with my camera, and my new lens.
It was a nice morning. As predicted, not spectacular for photos, but it’s always fun to be out walking in the park. I just took hand held shots, testing out the widest lens setting to see how the park looked at 18mm.
I was happy to see that the auto focus worked well, and that the images I took were sharp.
Something that I really wanted to test out was the ability to take sun stars as my main landscape lens doesn’t produce them (round aperture blades, apparently!). I was pleased to see that when the sun finally emerged from the cloud bank that was lurking on the horizon, the lens did make a sun star.
Finally a lens that produces sun stars!